Counting Eastern North Carolina: A 2020 Census briefing

October 16, 2019

11:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Gate of Lenoir County

201 E. Gordon Street

Kinston, NC 28505


On October 16, 2019, join N.C. Counts Coalition, Kinston Community Health Centers Inc., The Gate of Lenoir County and the NC Census Task Force for a briefing on the 2020 Census. This meeting will be an ideal opportunity to discuss the upcoming decennial Census in a comprehensive way for those deep in the throes of Census planning, but it will also be an educational opportunity for many community-based organizations and organizers who are new to this work - to understand why preparation for the 2020 Census begins now. This meeting will also be a great introduction to the NC Census Task Force for nonprofit organizations interested in Census engagement.

The meeting will feature presentations by:

Stacey Carless JD, Executive Director, NC Counts Coalition
Bernadette Richards, Partnership Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau
Juliana Cabrales, Mid-Atlantic Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Educational Fund

Panel and Discussion Topics Include:

Identifying Hard-to-Count Communities
The Undercount of Children
Effective Messaging to Reach Hard-to-Count Communities
Incorporating Census Outreach into Nonprofit Plans
Register Below! (Space is limited, register early to save your seat!)

Lunch will be provided



Click here to learn more about the NC Census Task Force.

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