On October 16, 2019, join N.C. Counts Coalition, Kinston Community Health Centers Inc., The Gate of Lenoir County and the NC Census Task Force for a briefing on the 2020 Census. This meeting will be an ideal opportunity to discuss the upcoming decennial Census in a comprehensive way for those deep in the throes of Census planning, but it will also be an educational opportunity for many community-based organizations and organizers who are new to this work - to understand why preparation for the 2020 Census begins now. This meeting will also be a great introduction to the NC Census Task Force for nonprofit organizations interested in Census engagement.
The meeting will feature presentations by:
Stacey Carless JD, Executive Director, NC Counts Coalition
Bernadette Richards, Partnership Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau
Juliana Cabrales, Mid-Atlantic Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Educational Fund
Panel and Discussion Topics Include:
Identifying Hard-to-Count Communities
The Undercount of Children
Effective Messaging to Reach Hard-to-Count Communities
Incorporating Census Outreach into Nonprofit Plans
Register Below! (Space is limited, register early to save your seat!)
Lunch will be provided